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Writer's pictureFiona

What we can offer you until our groups restart!

People Living with Dementia:

  1. Phone/Video calls

  2. Our Dementia Group Leaders and volunteers are offering one-to-one support to our members by calling them once a week for a chat and to do quizzes or word games

  3. We can also offer members an Amazon Echo device which allow us to video call members! It is so important that people living with dementia do not become isolated as they stay protected from the virus.

  1. Big Sing

  2. Sound Up Arts, in partnership with Together Dementia Support, have been creating some fun, engaging music sessions for our members to watch and interact with. Lucy, who some of you will know, leads these sessions. We think you’ll enjoy her smiling face and lovely singing.

  3. We have been sharing a private YouTube link with our members, which will let you access the music sessions online. All you need is access to a computer, tablet or smartphone! If you don’t have access to the internet, we can give you a DVD. You can re-watch the link as many times as you like. Alongside each video is a CreativePack- a collection of related activities, lyrics-sheets, songs and games that you can do during the week.

  1. Ageless Grace

  2. Ageless Grace® Brain Health Fitness, is great for people living with Dementia to support cognition, mental health and physical fitness. The programme consists of ‘21 tools’ – these are fun physical activities that encourage the brain to work out how to do movements by using the body in a different way or for the brain to try to keep up with changes. Both the person with dementia and the carer (in fact, anyone!) can benefit from these seated exercise sessions. The music lifts your mood whilst your brain and body benefit! We are currently releasing new live videos weekly via Facebook, however you do not need a Facebook account to see our posts.

  3. Delivering Regular Activity Packs, Games, Magazines, and Books

  4. We are compiling themed activity packs including quizzes, word searches and colouring. Previous themes include Manchester (featuring Lowry paintings to complete andVimtoand Eccles cakes to eat!) VE Day (featuring a newsletter with the history, members’ war-time stories, word-search, colouring, home-made bunting and a boxed cream-tea), and Easter (including an Easter card to decorate, themed puzzles and sweet Easter treats). We either post these packs out to you or your relative or we may deliver them to you, having a conversation with you and your relative at the door. We can also bring gardening things, arts, crafts, books, puzzles or a game for you to play.

  1. Knitting Group

  2. A number of our members used to knit so volunteer, Gay, is leading a knitting project. We have needles and chunky wool to give out and Gay and Jo will keep in touch with members who are having a go at knitting squares. Eventually, these will be sewn up and blankets made – amidst much celebration!

  1. Fabulous Forgetful Friends

  2. This group catch up regularly over Zoom meetings, talking about their health and wellbeing and planning ways of making a difference through teaching others about dementia or campaigning for better services! The group also like to have fun together (and have had trips out and social gatherings in the past.) During lockdown they have produced a video of advice for newly-diagnosed people and are planning to have a virtual ‘Mad Hatters Tea Party’ – making a short film as they perform and tell the story.

  3. Weekly Social Zoom Meeting

  4. We’re running fun social meetings for members and carers to join together each Friday afternoon. This includes singing and simple quizzes, and a little bit of chatting to catch up with how everyone is doing.


  1. Distanced walks around the block

  2. We will be able to match volunteers to visit people and go for a walk around the local area – whilst maintaining a safe social distance. This would require someone to be independently mobile and with minimal falls risk.

  1. Activities in the garden (eventually in homes)

  2. We are training volunteers ready to be able to conduct social visits in outside spaces and eventually in peoples’ homes following (once this is allowed and safe to do so). These visits would require a carer to be on hand during the visit, but enable members to have a weekly face-to-face chat, play games, or even have a go at some seated exercise. We would assess members for suitability for this new service on an individual basis.


Carers of People Living with Dementia:

  1. Phone/Video Calls

  2. It is just as important to make sure the carers of those living with dementia do not feel isolated, overwhelmed or unsupported. This is why we routinely give our carers a call, to see how they are doing and how we can continue to best support them and the person they care for! A good relationship with our carers is key in what makes Together Dementia Support such a special charity. Carers are likely to have additional problems during this time and so we can help you to get help, making referrals or finding the right equipment or information for you.

  3. Weekly Carers’ Zoom Meeting

  4. Together Dementia Support is hosting regular Zoom video meetings for Carers. The aim is to give carers some time out to chat with each other, get information and support and to learn a bit each time about an aspect of dementia or carers support.

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