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Dementia Carers Support

Family carers do all the worrying and caring for a person with dementia. We see you as the experts, and you deserve the best support and guidance.

If you need us, we are here

You can contact us any time

You can phone for advice, guidance or support any weekday during our normal office hours of 9.30am to 5pm.

You can also e-mail us and we will reply to you as soon as we can.

Caring for a person living with dementia

Family carers do all the worrying and caring for a person with dementia. We see you as the experts, and you deserve the best support and guidance. 

Being a family carer or a care partner is a 24/7 job, and many new dementia carers find themselves unprepared and with few resources available. 

We are dedicated to providing the support each individual needs, including emotional support, signposting and system navigation, social events and frequent opportunities to learn from other carers.

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Dementia Carers at a table eating pizza and smiling for the camera

What support is there for carers of people with dementia?

Carer Training


Carer Training

For family carers

Our 4-week comprehensive training course is FREE for family carers


TDS Newsletter

Subscribe to our bi-monthly newsletter and whether it's government policy, latest innovations, research opportunities or the Christmas party, we'll let you know!


Caring Resources & Lending Library

We have a small collection of books that we have collected over time. Carers can pop into our office to borrow and return them any day of the week.


Dementia Cafés

Monthly sessions in Beswick, Oaklands and Wythenshawe where you can meet other carers and chat over a cup of tea


Socials for Carers

We organise regular socials for carers so they can get together, make friends and build a support network of people in similar situations.

Working on laptop

Zoom Meets for Carers

We regularly host a drop-in Zoom session for carers to log on, ask questions, catch up or just have a chat. 

Support Available

Free training for dementia carers

Together Dementia Support offers a comprehensive 5-week training course for dementia carers. You can choose whether to attend the course in person or via an online platform. 

The course covers as much as possible to help build your caring confidence. It doesn't matter how long you have been caring, and we can support you at any point in your journey. 


Read more about the course

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Dementia Carer Training Courses starting soon

One Day Courses

Caring for Someone with Dementia


4 weeks

1.5 hours per week


Online or

Face-to Face


FREE for Family Carers

Caring for Someone with Dementia is a free course for carers at any point in your caring journey to help support you and give you tips and information.

It’s also an opportunity for you to hear from other people in the same situation, sharing experience, making connections and supporting each other. We recognise that in reality, the majority of invaluable information carers learn, they learn from experience. We want our training courses to be a source of both practical information, as well as an opportunity for carers to share their experiences. You will learn a lot from each other, and sharing your experiences might help in ways you didn't realise.


Each session will have a mix of information, interviews with experienced family carers, and breakout groups to discuss issues and burning questions you may have. 

If you want to join us on Zoom, but don’t have internet or a PC, get in touch as we may be able to loan you the necessary equipment.

"I feel more confident in tackling issues which affect myself and my mother."

"It was great to be able to see other carers and listen to their situations.
It was a real tonic."

5 week course

Meet our carers: Carer Gallery


Ongoing Carer Feedback & Service Consultation

We want Together Dementia Support to be as participatory as possible. We always want your feedback and ideas about what could help you and other carers.

If you would like to provide feedback, make a suggestion or share your ideas about the services you receive from us or support you would like to receive, you can do this in the following ways:

  • Fill in our Ongoing Carer Feedback Form. It is online, and should only take a few minutes to complete. The form will ask you to provide your name and contact details should we wish to follow up on your feedback.

  • Send an email to, or message us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

  • Call the office and have a chat with us. We're open for calls Mon-Fri from 9.30am, and the office closes at 5pm. Our number is 0161 226 7186.

Feedback received from carers may be used to support our bids for future funding so we can continue to strengthen, grow and develop our provision for carers in Manchester and North Trafford. 

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