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Our Volunteers
Thank you to our generous and dedicated volunteers. You change lives!

#VolunteerShoutOut - Pauline
Why not celebrate another of our amazing students this week? Pauline is a fantastic volunteer for our Pyaari Yaadein group. She turns up...

#VolunteerShoutOut - Hassan
Hassan is kind, confident and very supportive with our members at Moss Side. Whilst he hasn't been with us for very long, from the start...

#VolunteerShoutOut - Edyta
Edyta does an incredible job with our Polish-speaking member in our Together @ Home Service. She plays some wonderful, fun and...

#VolunteerShoutOut - Lisa
Lisa is our incredible and dedicated volunteer for Longsight and Fabulous Forgetful Friends. She is one of the most caring people you...

#VolunteerShoutOut - Jess, Kath and Israa
Why not shout out more of our lovely North Manchester volunteers? Kath has been with us 7 months now. She is always a happy face at...

#VolunteerShoutOut - Yi Lei
Yi Lei's confidence has grown so much since she started volunteering with us at North Manchester. She has such a kind heart and her fun...

#VolunteerShoutOut - Liz
The lovely Liz has been volunteering with us over a month now and is a complete asset to our Longsight group. She is calm, compassionate...

#VolunteerShoutOut - Eleanor
Eleanor only started volunteering with us a month ago but has already took to the role fantastically. She is a star at the Wythenshawe...

#VolunteerShoutOut - Keeley
The lovely Keeley is an asset to our Wythenshawe volunteering team. She has been volunteering with us since July 2022 and is truly...
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