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Useful Contacts

We know that it can be difficult to know where to get the information and help that you need.  So we’ve gathered some contact details of helpful organisations and charities who will be able to help you.

At Together Dementia Support’s office we have lots of information, donated equipment, books, videos and more.  We are happy to lend out our books and give you any useful equipment or booklets.

There is so much to learn about all that might be needed when you or your relative has dementia, do give us a ring in office hours to explain and signpost you to the help that you need.

Local Services
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Manchester Adult Social Care

For an assessment of need if the person with Dementia lives in Manchester.  They can assess for equipment & adaptations to the home, for homecare, for daycare, for residential/nursing or respite care.  They are also obliged to assess your needs as a carer.  You might want to get advice before requesting help as you need to know their eligibility criteria.

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Trafford Social Services

Trafford offers a similar service to Manchester Adult Social Care. 

Trafford also runs a ‘One Stop Shop’ that deals with equipment and adaptations

0345 299 0798, Adaptations Team


Trafford Carers Centre

The centre runs a number of groups, activities and therapies that might be useful for you. Visit their website to find out more about what they have on offer, or call their helpline below.


Manchester Carer's Pathway

In Manchester we have a new Carers’ Pathway, with information &  advice, different support services, training courses etc.  Contact the Carers Manchester Contact Point for more details.


Greater Manchester Mental Health Trust

Medical/health support concerning the dementia is provided by Greater Manchester Mental Health Trust or contact your GP.  Your relative has to be referred by the GP to the specialist teams – Memory Assessment & Treatment Service (MATS) and the Community Mental Health Teams. 

If there is a mental health emergency you can call a crisis line 0161 922 3801 or the usual emergency services.

You/your relative will usually be diagnosed by someone from the Memory /MATS teams but, once the person is settled on medication, their care will be passed back to the GP.  There is a new plan for GPS to conduct an annual review of the person with dementia and to draw up and review a Wellbeing Plan each year.  Don’t be afraid to ask your GP for a review of your relative’s Dementia.

If you are struggling with your relative’s Dementia symptoms, and particularly, if your relative is becoming agitated, not sleeping, or doing anything that is hazardous and difficult for you to cope with, you should ask the GP to refer you to the Community Mental Health Tram for specialist help.  It’s always better to ask for this support early, before a crisis might arise.

National Charities & Organisations
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The Alzheimer's Society

The Alzheimer’s Society has a website packed with information.


You can receive a monthly magazine from them and we can download and send you factsheets relating to the particular issue you are dealing with on request.

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